Report finds Chinese graduates have unique skills for a digitalized society,
Release date:2022-01-08
Author/Source:Top China Headhunter
Guide reading:China, 79 percent of firms look for skills as a first priority during the recruitment process ahead of education background, job title and work experience, according to Linkedin China which now has 55 million users

Graduates from Chinese top universities have unique business skills in sales and management, language and translation and frontier fields such as data mining and artificial intelligence, an industry report said on Thursday.

The skills trend represents the accelerating digitalization and modernization process in China where talent and professional and digital skills are urgently required, experts said.

It prepares Chinese graduates for different kinds of jobs, and also boosts economic transformation and development and improves China's international competitiveness, they added.

The report, called the University Alumni Insights: Career Development Prospects for Chinese and Global Graduates 2021, was conducted by the Center for China and Globalization (CCG) and LinkedIn, the world's biggest workplace site.

Compared with global graduates, Chinese U10 graduates, meaning those from top 10 universities nationwide, have advantages such as a better understanding of the Chinese market in sales, operations and human resources, the report said.

They also have business skills for global development and specific skills in frontier sectors like finance modeling and computer vision, according to the report.

Those skills and talents are welcomed by most firms, whether for chip design, banking, machinery, mobile carrier, automotive or property companies, as China is on the fast track of digital transformation.

In China, 79 percent of firms look for skills as a first priority during the recruitment process, ahead of education background, job title and work experience, according to LinkedIn China, which now has 55 million users.

"Skill-based" recruitment is turning trendy in China, with a more precise and suitable matching with firms' actual needs. There are also new job opportunities in challenges like the epidemic, said LinkedIn China.

In October, LinkedIn announced it would to close its local version site in China later this year. It will focus on helping China-based professionals find jobs and Chinese companies find qualified candidates, with a "skill-oriented" focus, the company said.

Also in the report, the top choice firms for global graduates were PwC, Amazon, Huawei, Google and Microsoft. Huawei was the only Chinese firm among the top 10.

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